
Application scenarios of AI agents(AI代理的应用场景)


Single AI Agent(单一人工智能代理)

在特定任务场景下完成的工作,比如 GitHub Copilot Chat 下的代理工作区,就是根据用户需求完成特定编程任务的一个例子。基于 LLM 的能力,单个代理可以根据任务执行不同的动作,比如需求分析、项目阅读、代码生成等。它也可以应用于智能家居和自动驾驶。

Multi-AI Agents(多人工智能代理)

这就是AI代理之间相互交互的工作。例如上述Semantic Kernel代理实现就是一个例子。脚本生成的AI代理与执行脚本的AI代理进行交互。多代理应用场景在高度协同的工作中非常有帮助,例如软件行业开发、智能生产、企业管理等。

Hybrid AI Agent(混合人工智能代理)


Intro of AI agent, & AI agent projects summary

Project Key Features
LangChain - Python and JavaScript libraries for building LLM-backed apps
  - Modular components for perceiving context, reasoning, chaining, etc.
  - Reference architectures and templates
  - Tooling for debugging, testing, deploying chains
AutoGen - Orchestrates LLMs and agents for multi-agent conversations
  - Customizable and conversational agents
  - Human participation in loops
  - Toolkit for reasoning, caching, error handling
PromptAppGPT - Low-code prompt-based development
  - Integrations for GPT, DALL-E, and plugins
  - Online editor, compiler, runner
  - Auto-generated UI
  - Built-in agent examples
AutoGPT - Toolkit for building custom AI agents
  - Leverages GPT-3, GPT-4 for agents
  - Popular open source agent project
BabyAGI - Minimalist Python agent
  - Uses GPT and vector DB
  - Create, prioritize, execute tasks
SuperAGI - Alternative to AutoGPT
  - Multiple models, vector DBs
  - GUI and operations console
  - Performance telemetry
  - Toolkits and marketplace
ShortGPT - Automates video creation workflows
  - Scripts, prompts, templates
  - Multilingual voiceover and subtitles
  - Resource and asset sourcing
ChatDev - Multi-agent “virtual software company”
  - Agents in specialized roles
  - Workshop model for collaboration
MetaGPT - Mimics software company structure
  - PM, engineer, etc. roles assigned
  - Agents collaborate on tasks
Camel - Early multi-agent framework
  - Dynamic role assignment
  - Stages scenarios for collaboration
JARVIS - Task planning with ChatGPT
  - Model selection from Hub
  - Orchestrates specialist models
OpenAGI - Combines expert and LLM models
  - RLTF for model improvement
  - Specialized for complex tasks
XAgent - Modular dispatcher, planner, actor
  - Human collaboration abilities
  - Safety and extensibility

AI Agent Frameworks

Multi-Agent Systems
