


  • 输入
You are a chatbot who can help code!</s>
Write me a function to calculate the first 10 digits of the fibonacci sequence in Python and print it out to the CLI.</s>
  • 输出
    "generated_text": "<|system|>\nYou are a chatbot who can help code!</s>\n<|user|>\nWrite me a function to calculate the first 10 digits of the fibonacci sequence in Python and print it out to the CLI.</s>\n<|assistant|>\nHere's a Python function that calculates the first 10 digits of the Fib"
  • 生成
python -m mlx_lm.generate --model TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --prompt "table: students                 
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Using the database information above, help me generate the SQL for the following question:\nQuery information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old."
Prompt: <|user|>
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Using the database information above, help me generate the SQL for the following question:\nQuery information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.</s>

To generate the SQL for the query you provided, you can use the following:

FROM students
WHERE name = 'Wang Junjian'
AND age < 20

This SQL will retrieve all students whose name is "Wang Junjian" and whose age is less than 20 years old.
Prompt: 866.228 tokens-per-sec
Generation: 180.262 tokens-per-sec


  • 输入
My name is Merve and my favorite color
  • 输出
    "generated_text": "My name is Merve and my favorite color is blue. I am 10 years old and I live in Turkey. I have a"

数据集 WikiSQL

修改脚本 mlx-examples/lora/data/wikisql.py

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # ......
    for dataset, name, size in datasets:
        with open(f"data/{name}.jsonl", "w") as fid:
            for e, t in zip(range(size), dataset):
                # TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0
                t = t[3:]
                q, a = t.split("A: ")
                q += "A: "
                # template = "<|system|>\nYou are a chatbot that can help write SQL statements!</s>\n<|user|>\n{q}</s>\n<|assistant|>\n{a}"
                template = "<|user|>\n{q}</s>\n<|assistant|>\n{a}"
                t = template.format(q=q, a=a)

                # TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-1431k-3T
                # t = t[3:]

                json.dump({"text": t}, fid)

执行脚本 data/wikisql.py 生成数据集。



使用 LoRA 微调 TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0

time python lora.py --model TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --train --iters 500
Loading pretrained model
Total parameters 1100.868M
Trainable parameters 0.819M
Loading datasets
Iter 1: Val loss 2.507, Val took 4.411s
Iter 10: Train loss 2.458, It/sec 3.036, Tokens/sec 1424.852
Iter 20: Train loss 2.126, It/sec 1.517, Tokens/sec 720.801
Iter 30: Train loss 1.868, It/sec 1.464, Tokens/sec 702.935
Iter 40: Train loss 1.616, It/sec 1.616, Tokens/sec 738.103
Iter 50: Train loss 1.388, It/sec 1.791, Tokens/sec 838.185
Iter 60: Train loss 1.190, It/sec 1.411, Tokens/sec 656.398
Iter 70: Train loss 1.179, It/sec 1.387, Tokens/sec 657.852
Iter 80: Train loss 1.205, It/sec 1.762, Tokens/sec 828.095
Iter 90: Train loss 1.157, It/sec 1.878, Tokens/sec 842.579
Iter 100: Train loss 1.182, It/sec 1.665, Tokens/sec 744.982
Iter 100: Saved adapter weights to adapters.npz.
Iter 110: Train loss 1.065, It/sec 1.724, Tokens/sec 787.045
Iter 120: Train loss 1.110, It/sec 1.660, Tokens/sec 760.937
Iter 130: Train loss 1.051, It/sec 1.409, Tokens/sec 656.706
Iter 140: Train loss 1.127, It/sec 1.705, Tokens/sec 782.127
Iter 150: Train loss 1.145, It/sec 1.605, Tokens/sec 761.741
Iter 160: Train loss 1.041, It/sec 1.745, Tokens/sec 810.177
Iter 170: Train loss 1.062, It/sec 1.697, Tokens/sec 815.289
Iter 180: Train loss 1.044, It/sec 1.978, Tokens/sec 854.335
Iter 190: Train loss 1.077, It/sec 1.450, Tokens/sec 676.531
Iter 200: Train loss 1.109, It/sec 1.620, Tokens/sec 723.184
Iter 200: Val loss 1.090, Val took 7.295s
Iter 200: Saved adapter weights to adapters.npz.
Iter 210: Train loss 1.051, It/sec 1.721, Tokens/sec 769.713
Iter 220: Train loss 1.045, It/sec 1.716, Tokens/sec 801.495
Iter 230: Train loss 0.985, It/sec 1.649, Tokens/sec 753.308
Iter 240: Train loss 0.987, It/sec 1.832, Tokens/sec 826.279
Iter 250: Train loss 0.997, It/sec 1.602, Tokens/sec 779.581
Iter 260: Train loss 0.957, It/sec 1.982, Tokens/sec 939.073
Iter 270: Train loss 0.950, It/sec 1.857, Tokens/sec 855.743
Iter 280: Train loss 0.969, It/sec 2.526, Tokens/sec 1141.648
Iter 290: Train loss 0.967, It/sec 1.425, Tokens/sec 644.808
Iter 300: Train loss 0.871, It/sec 1.880, Tokens/sec 893.419
Iter 300: Saved adapter weights to adapters.npz.
Iter 310: Train loss 0.988, It/sec 1.851, Tokens/sec 821.308
Iter 320: Train loss 0.907, It/sec 1.717, Tokens/sec 785.215
Iter 330: Train loss 0.986, It/sec 1.813, Tokens/sec 855.241
Iter 340: Train loss 0.915, It/sec 1.464, Tokens/sec 661.628
Iter 350: Train loss 0.891, It/sec 1.722, Tokens/sec 775.787
Iter 360: Train loss 0.981, It/sec 1.854, Tokens/sec 868.989
Iter 370: Train loss 0.930, It/sec 1.481, Tokens/sec 708.436
Iter 380: Train loss 0.946, It/sec 1.460, Tokens/sec 659.100
Iter 390: Train loss 0.919, It/sec 1.453, Tokens/sec 659.954
Iter 400: Train loss 0.946, It/sec 1.213, Tokens/sec 600.219
Iter 400: Val loss 1.018, Val took 10.151s
Iter 400: Saved adapter weights to adapters.npz.
Iter 410: Train loss 0.910, It/sec 1.011, Tokens/sec 476.125
Iter 420: Train loss 0.907, It/sec 1.083, Tokens/sec 475.708
Iter 430: Train loss 0.878, It/sec 0.995, Tokens/sec 439.132
Iter 440: Train loss 0.928, It/sec 0.861, Tokens/sec 397.056
Iter 450: Train loss 0.930, It/sec 0.775, Tokens/sec 368.793
Iter 460: Train loss 0.993, It/sec 0.734, Tokens/sec 351.590
Iter 470: Train loss 0.899, It/sec 0.817, Tokens/sec 379.844
Iter 480: Train loss 0.910, It/sec 0.788, Tokens/sec 363.797
Iter 490: Train loss 0.869, It/sec 0.884, Tokens/sec 401.832
Iter 500: Train loss 0.944, It/sec 0.810, Tokens/sec 390.466
Iter 500: Saved adapter weights to adapters.npz.
python lora.py --model TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --train --iters 500  36.69s user 103.96s system 36% cpu 6:22.46 total


python lora.py --model TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 \
    --adapter-file adapters.npz \
    --max-tokens 50 \
    --prompt "<|user|>table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
A: </s>\n<|assistant|>"
Loading pretrained model
Total parameters 1100.868M
Trainable parameters 0.819M
Loading datasets
<|user|>table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
A: </s>\n<|assistant|>
SELECT Name FROM students WHERE Name = 'Wang Junjian' AND Age < 20

使用 mlx_lm.generate 不能很好的生成,目前还不清楚 fuse 的问题,还是 generate 的问题。

python -m mlx_lm.generate --model lora_fused_model --prompt "table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
A: "
Prompt: table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
1. Statement
SELECT name, age, school, grade, height, weight FROM students WHERE name = 'Wang Junjian' and age < 20
2. Query
SELECT name, age, school, grade, height, weight FROM students WHERE name = 'Wang Junjian'
3. Output
Wang Junjian 20  1
python -m mlx_lm.generate --model lora_fused_model --prompt "<|user|>table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
A: </s>\n<|assistant|>"
Prompt: <|user|>table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
A: </s>\n<|assistant|>
is a new tool for supporting the research process of Assistant, an open source machine learning and deep learning platform. It consists of a set of python scripts that can be used to perform the tasks of data pre-processing, feature engineering, data cleaning, data exploration, and supervised learning.
\nAssistant is built on top of Scikit-Learn, a Python machine learning library, and designed with ease of use in mind. It is easy to install and uses

SQL 问题(英文)

table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: What is Wang Junjian's name?
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: How old is Wang Junjian?
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Which school did Wang Junjian come from?
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query Wang Junjian’s name, age, and school information.
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query all information about Wang Junjian.
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Query information such as name, age, school, grade, etc. The condition is that the name is equal to Wang Junjian and the age is less than 20 years old.
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Count how many students there are in ninth grade.
table: students
columns: Name, Age, School, Grade, Height, Weight
Q: Count how many students there are in ninth grade.(The value for ninth grade is 9th.)
