LangChain : Tagging and Extraction Using OpenAI functions
类别: LangChain 标签: LangChain Pydantic Extraction ChatTongyi Text2SQL目录
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Type
from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class ProvinceEnum(str, Enum):
山东省 = "山东省"
class CityEnum(str, Enum):
济南 = "济南"
青岛 = "青岛"
淄博 = "淄博"
枣庄 = "枣庄"
东营 = "东营"
烟台 = "烟台"
潍坊 = "潍坊"
济宁 = "济宁"
泰安 = "泰安"
威海 = "威海"
日照 = "日照"
临沂 = "临沂"
德州 = "德州"
聊城 = "聊城"
滨州 = "滨州"
菏泽 = "菏泽"
莱芜 = "莱芜"
class DistrictEnum(str, Enum):
历下区 = "历下区"
市中区 = "市中区"
槐荫区 = "槐荫区"
天桥区 = "天桥区"
历城区 = "历城区"
长清区 = "长清区"
平阴县 = "平阴县"
济阳区 = "济阳区"
商河县 = "商河县"
章丘区 = "章丘区"
class PowerSupplyStationEnum(str, Enum):
高新供电中心 = "高新供电中心"
长清区供电公司 = "长清区供电公司"
平阴县供电公司 = "平阴县供电公司"
历城区供电公司 = "历城区供电公司"
天桥供电中心 = "天桥供电中心"
市中供电中心 = "市中供电中心"
客户服务中心 = "客户服务中心"
章丘区供电公司 = "章丘区供电公司"
历下供电中心 = "历下供电中心"
槐荫供电中心 = "槐荫供电中心"
济阳区供电公司 = "济阳区供电公司"
商河县供电公司 = "商河县供电公司"
起步区供电中心 = "起步区供电中心"
class PowerSupplyStationLocation(BaseModel):
province: ProvinceEnum = Field(description="省、直辖市、自治区")
city: Optional[CityEnum] = Field(description="地级市")
district: Optional[DistrictEnum] = Field(description="区县")
power_supply_station: Optional[PowerSupplyStationEnum] = Field(description="供电所")
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_function
functions = [
convert_to_openai_function(f) for f in [
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_tool
tools = [
convert_to_openai_tool(f) for f in [
prompt = "2024年山东省济南市长清区供电公司的意见合计。"
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
model = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0).bind(
function_call={"name": PowerSupplyStationLocation.__name__}
response = model.invoke(prompt)
from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
model = ChatAnthropic(temperature=0, model_name="claude-3-sonnet-20240229").bind_tools(
response = model.invoke(prompt)
模型性能:opus > sonnet > haiku
- claude-3-opus-20240229
{ 'name': 'PowerSupplyStationLocation', 'args': {'province': '山东省', 'city': '济南', 'district': '长清区', 'power_supply_station': '长清区供电公司'} }
- claude-3-sonnet-20240229
{ 'name': 'PowerSupplyStationLocation', 'args': {'province': '山东省', 'city': '济南', 'district': '长清区', 'power_supply_station': '长清区供电公司'} }
- claude-3-haiku-20240307
{ 'name': 'PowerSupplyStationLocation', 'args': {'province': '山东省', 'city': '济南', 'district': '长清区', 'power_supply_station': '长清区供电公司'} }
from langchain_community.chat_models.tongyi import ChatTongyi
model = ChatTongyi(model="qwen1.5-72b-chat", top_p=0.01)
prompt = "2024年山东省济南市长清区供电公司的意见合计。"
response = model.invoke(prompt, tools=tools)
'name': 'PowerSupplyStationLocation',
'args': {
'properties': {
'city': '济南',
'district': '长清区',
'province': '山东省',
'power_supply_station': '长清区供电公司'
下面是 PowerSupplyStationLocation 的 JSON schema:
'type': 'function',
'function': {
'description': '电网供电所位置',
'name': 'PowerSupplyStationLocation',
'parameters': {
'properties': {
'city': {
'allOf': [
'description': '山东省地级市',
'enum': [
'title': 'CityEnum',
'type': 'string'
'description': '地级市'
'district': {
'allOf': [
'description': '济南市区县',
'enum': [
'title': 'DistrictEnum',
'type': 'string'
'description': '区县'
'power_supply_station': {
'allOf': [
'description': '供电所',
'enum': [
'title': 'PowerSupplyStationEnum',
'type': 'string'
'description': '供电所'
'province': {
'allOf': [
'description': '省、直辖市、自治区',
'enum': [
'title': 'ProvinceEnum',
'type': 'string'
'description': '省、直辖市、自治区'
'required': [
'type': 'object'
根据上面定义的 JSON schema,对下面的文本抽取信息,抽取的信息使用 JSON 格式描述。
- Ollama llama3-8b
Based on the provided JSON schema, I will extract the information from the given text and represent it in JSON format.
Here is the extracted information:
"province": "山东省",
"city": "济南市",
"district": "长清区",
"power_supply_station": "长清区供电公司"
Please note that I used the required
parameter in the JSON schema to determine the minimum required fields, and since only these four fields are present in the text, I extracted them accordingly.
- Ollama llama3-70b
Based on the provided JSON schema, I extracted the following information from the given text:
"province": "山东省",
"city": "济南",
"district": "长清区",
"power_supply_station": "长清区供电公司"
Let me know if you need any further assistance! 😊