

git clone https://github.com/huggingface/candle
cd candle


  • CPU
$ cargo run --example phi --release -- --model 2 \
  --prompt "A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What's the skier speed at the bottom?"

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.22s
     Running `target/release/examples/phi --model 2 --prompt 'A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What'\''s the skier speed at the bottom?'`
avx: false, neon: true, simd128: false, f16c: false
temp: 0.00 repeat-penalty: 1.10 repeat-last-n: 64
retrieved the files in 25.53875ms
Running on CPU, to run on GPU(metal), build this example with `--features metal`
loaded the model in 2.1345985s
starting the inference loop
A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What's the skier speed at the bottom?

The potential energy of the skier is converted into kinetic energy as it slides down the slope. The formula for potential energy is mgh, where m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is height. Since there's no friction, all the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at the bottom of the slope. The formula for kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2, where v is velocity. We can equate these two formulas:
mgh = 1/2mv^2
Solving for v, we get:
v = sqrt(2gh)
Substituting the given values, we get:
v = sqrt(2*9.8*40) = 28 m/s
Therefore, the skier speed at the bottom of the slope is 28 m/s. 
188 tokens generated (3.28 token/s)
  • MPS
cargo run --example phi --release --features metal -- --model 2 \
  --prompt "A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What's the skier speed at the bottom?"

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.14s
     Running `target/release/examples/phi --model 2 --prompt 'A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What'\''s the skier speed at the bottom?'`
avx: false, neon: true, simd128: false, f16c: false
temp: 0.00 repeat-penalty: 1.10 repeat-last-n: 64
retrieved the files in 23.022458ms
loaded the model in 1.317503208s
starting the inference loop
A skier slides down a frictionless slope of height 40m and length 80m. What's the skier speed at the bottom?

The potential energy of the skier is converted into kinetic energy as it slides down the slope. The formula for potential energy is mgh, where m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is height. Since there's no friction, all the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at the bottom of the slope. The formula for kinetic energy is 1/2mv^2, where v is velocity. We can equate these two formulas:
mgh = 1/2mv^2
Solving for v, we get:
v = sqrt(2gh)
Substituting the given values, we get:
v = sqrt(2*9.8*40) = 28 m/s
Therefore, the skier speed at the bottom of the slope is 28 m/s. 
188 tokens generated (21.20 token/s)

MPSCPU 快了 6.5 倍。